Harvard drop-out, Facebook founder and subject of the recent film 'The Social Network' Mark Zuckerberg was this week named as Time magazine's Person of the Year. The 26 year old creator of the online social media phenomenon joins a cast of mostly heros, with a smattering of villains, who since 1927 have been named as the person; group; place; idea or object that has most influenced the events of the year in question. Today's Highly Questionable? quiz takes a 'who am I?' format in which we supply clues concerning a previously named Time Person of the Year which hopefully enables you to identify who they are in each case.
Time Person Of The Year QuizWho am I?
1 In 1936 I became the first female winner. Perhaps most famous for who I married as my third husband, I was unusual amongst Americans for being a British Duchess?
2 In 1981 I was recognised for my work with the Polish trade union movement and our opposition to Soviet control?
3 In 1982 I became the first non-human winner by being named Machine of the Year?
4 In 1972 I became the first, and so far only, person to win it for the second year in a row, which even for an American President such as I was a tricky thing to do?
5 I was the first winner in 1927 famed for my solo flight across the Atlantic from the US to France, while five years later I returned to the headlines in tragic circumstances due to the notorious kidnap and murder of my infant son?
Answers will be published along with tomorrow's quiz.
Actors Quiz AnswersThe answers to yesterday's actors themed quiz were:
1 M.
2 'A Midsummer Night's Dream'.
3 Teacher.
4 Harry Potter.
5 Workers Revolutionary Pary.