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Austrian born one time body builder turned all action movie star Arnold Schwarzenegr today ends his tenure as the Governor of California. While it is arguable as to whether he or Ronald Regan were the most famous of the thirty-eight incumbents of this position, what is unquestionable is that it was Arnie that declared his candidacy with one of the most unorthodox pronouncements in American political history. Appearing on the high profile US TV show 'Tonight' he disclosed the soul searching he had been wracked by while pondering whether or not to run for office when he revealed 'it was the most difficult decision of my entire life -except the one in 1978, when I decided to get a bikini wax'. Highly Questionable? marks the passing of 'the Governator' with today's quiz which takes as its theme the State he ruled. California Quiz
1 Who had a 1965 hit with the song 'California Dreamin''?
2 Who had a 1965 hit with the song 'California Girls'?
3 Which Hollywood film star in 1986 was elected mayor of the Californian town of Caramel which has a population of some 4,000 souls?
4 Which city is the capital of California?
5 Death Valley, home to the lowest, driest and hottest places in all of North America, is located in which southern Californian desert?
Answers will be published along with tomorrow's quiz questions.
Answers To People Of The Year Quiz
The answers to our most recent quiz, which had the theme of People Of The Year, were:-
3 The Computer.
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