Tuesday, 15 March 2011

Nuns On The Run

A group of nuns who have taken a vow of poverty, the theft of bin bags full of a large quantity of cash and a lawyer called Jesus have attracted the attention of Spanish police and tax authorities. The nuns in question are sixteen Cistercians from the Santa Lucia convent in Zaragoza who initially told police they had been robbed of 1.5 million euros while saying their prayers a fortnight ago. Later under questioning they revised their loss to being around a third of that amount which they had been keeping in black rubbish bags. Suspicions amongst the Spanish authorities were only partly allayed by the nuns' lawyer Jesus Garcia Huici when he explained the money was pending distribution to other more cash strapped convents across Spain, for where had the Sisters accrued such an impressive sum in the first place? It turned out that the nuns' possess constantly in demand and highly lucrative skills as expert restorers of old books. Additionally, it emerged that one of their number, Sister Isabel Guerra, is a notable portrait painter, each of whose works commands tens of thousands of euros. Such a tale has prompted Highly Questionable to devise today's quiz on the theme of nuns.                  
 Nuns Quiz 
 1  Which American actress starred in the Hollywood film 'The Singing Nun'? 
 2  Who is Shakespeare's Hamlet addressing when he delivers the line 'get thee to a nunnery'?
 3  Which modern day country contains the birthplace of Mother Teresa, the nun who was awarded the 1979 Nobel Peace Prize?
 4  'The Nun's Priest's Tale' is a section of which famous medieval collection of stories?
 5  What is the name of the form of traditional headgear associated nuns' outfits? 
Answers will be published along with the next Highly Questionable quiz and associated blog post.
 Rome Quiz Answers 
The answers to the previous Highly Questionable quiz which took Rome as its theme are:-
 1  Romulus & Remus were the twin founders of Rome according to legend. 
 2  1960 was the year Rome hosted the summer Olympic Games.
 3  Audrey Hepburn was the actress who played the female lead opposite Gregory Peck in the classic Hollywood film 'Roman Holiday'. 
 4  The Trevi fountain is the famous landmark in Rome into which local tradition says  visitors should throw coins in order to be guaranteed a return trip to the city.   
 5  138 individual stairs combine to form the flight of Rome's Spanish Steps.
The author of the Highly Questionable? quiz and trivia blog, Harry Reid, is a freelance question setter, writer and blogger. He can be contacted at harryreid@btinternet.com.

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