Friday, 6 May 2011

Life Through A Lens

 Photographs Quiz 
What are the most iconic photographic images of all time? The question is prompted by events over the last week that have seen widespread obsession about the appearance - and non appearance - of photographs that capture a moment in such a way as to shape the telling of a wider story. So it was impossible over the last seven days to escape 'the kiss on the palace balcony' shots of the British royal newly weds, or fail to notice the carefully considered absence of those of the body of the world's most recognisable jihadist. Pondering on all this Highly Questionable is acutely aware that the whole notion of what constitutes an iconic photograph depends on a great many factors, not the least of which are the perspectives of viewers as influenced by their age, location, interests and sensibilities. Undeterred, we have chosen five out of many thousands of potential photographs as the subject for today's quiz. We'll be delighted to hear from any reader of the blog who wants to draw attention to a photograph they consider to be iconic - either email us at the address in the yellow bar at the end of this post with a copy of the photograph and a comment on why it resonates with you, or upload it onto your Facebook wall and let us know. We'll post a selection of your suggestions on the Highly Questionable blog over the next couple of weeks.   
 Photographs Quiz Questions 
Pictured below are five iconic photographic images. We simply want to know the country in which each was taken.





The answers to our photographic themed quiz will be published along with the next Highly Questionable blog post.
 Venice Quiz Answers 
The answers to the Highly Questionable Venice themed quiz are:-
 1  Antonio is the name of the title character of Shakespeare's play 'The Merchant Of Venice'.
 2  Marco Polo is the famous traveller after whom Venice airport is named
 3  Doge was the title given to the most senior elected official in Venice during the period of more than a thousand years in which the city was a powerful independent state.
 4  Dirk Bogart was the actor who played the lead protagonist in the film 'Death In Venice'.
 5  Gilbert and Sullivan wrote the opera 'The Gondoliers'. 
The author of the Highly Questionable? quiz and trivia blog, Harry Reid, is a freelance question setter, writer and blogger. He can be contacted at

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